
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Insanity = My Calendar Lately

Ya it's been a little slow on the blog. Let me tell you why.

My best friend is getting married one month from yesterday and I'm the matron of honor! I shot her bridal portraits the weekend before last and I've been planning her bridal shower, which is this Saturday (will post pics afterwards). I need to tan, get my dress altered, and find shoes and jewelry still. She has a couple's shower on the 26th. and then the 27th is her bachelorette party! She still doesnt quite know what all's planned for her that night. hehe! Now, in the midst of all that...

Uh - it's Rodeo time in Houston! I love rodeo time. We had tickets to Kenny Chesney, but didnt go...but we did go Monday to Tim McGraw. We saw him last year also. This year was great again. He seems like such an awesome guy to be friend's with. Alot of the rodeo artists go greet the fans in the action seats and everything - but he did something I've never seen - He started at one end and walked the entire arena shaking everyone's hand. If your hand was out, he didnt just touch it, he shook it. Very very cool. We gave away our tickets to Rascal Flatts last night, but tonight we're headed out to see Brad Paisley - we've got suite tickets! mmm! We saw him last year too and he is faaaantastic.

I've also got...what...3 photoshoots scheduled between all of that? I just finished my first quinceanera, and now ahead of me ive got a cute set of twins, some handsome brothers, and an e-shoot! - with some more inquiries as well.

And get this - im playing softball this year. That starts the 21st. I'm pretty excited about it tho. It's a co-ed team made up of my co-workers mostly, and Justin's playing too. I havent played on an actual team in quite a few years!

And last but not least - Vegas is calling my name for a 3rd year in a row. 2 weeks after Amanda's wedding - we're heading back. Gonna do some more sight seeing, probably visit Hoover Damn and stuff this time and not spend so much time at the hotel.

whew! Once May gets here, im going to be exhausted. and it's going to be awesome. I like being busy!


FJ March 17, 2010 at 2:10 PM  

Good luck with the softball. Good for you!

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