
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dear treadmill, ...

Dear treadmill,
      Thank you for coming into my life. I no longer feel like a complete lazy-ass while watching television and catching up on my dvr. I can turn you on and just walk. or jog. or sprint. and by the time my shows are done, ive completed 2+ miles. and that's just 2 days in.

Ya - we got my mother in law's treadmill out of her storage unit. It's pretty awesome. I can't keep an actual workout schedule up to save my life - but then i realized how much time i spent just sitting on the couch, un-motivated. I remember MIL had a treadmill - so i sent Justin to get it. Much better than just sitting on the couch. I'd like to do just the treadmill for a week or two just so i know i have some endurance and then ill attempt some toning exercises, as that's mainly what i need. I put back on the 10/12 lbs i lost prior to my wedding - and i need to be back in my wedding dress by the weekend of March 3rd. I think that's when im going to do my trash the dress session. I see my photographer, Leslie Spurlock, for a worskshop this weekend (that im suuuuuuuper stoked about!!), so ill schedule in then. Originally my TTD session was going to be this weekend too, and i was going to be a model for the workshop, but i decided to shoot instead. Should be fun!

In other news - i took my last birth control pill last Thursday. No, I'm not trying to get pregnant. Will fill you in later.  Wish me luck - luck that i dont get pregnant. At least not til after April. If that's what God has planned for me. Just wish me luck that going off of this crap accomplishes what I'm trying to and proves that the pill royally effed up my hormones...


Unknown January 13, 2010 at 9:04 AM  

Yah I stalk your blog..hahah Good luck with the pill thing! ;) I got your back!

-Kerensa (Primo)

Liz Martin January 13, 2010 at 12:28 PM  

That is awesome you are doing a Trash the Dress session. Where are you doing it? It's going to be awesome!

Liz Martin January 18, 2010 at 2:22 PM  

You have an award waiting for you!

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